About Huia Kaimanawa

Transformative Māori Leadership

Huia Kaimanawa is a transformative Māori leadership kaupapa founded on He Wakaputanga o te Rangatiratanga o Nu Tireni and Te Tiriti o Waitangi, which are the two constitutional covenants of Aotearoa. The kaupapa is focused on enhancing the tino rangatiratanga of hapū and iwi by centering the visions and aspirations of mana whenua. Huia Kaimanawa is committed to iterative research and development, ensuring that kaikōkiri (the national facilitation team) and the practice of Huia Kaimanawa leaders has an ongoing positive impact on hapū and iwi. The kaupapa is guided by values such as whanaungatanga and the principles of indigenising, re-indigenising, decolonising, and liberation from colonial oppression. 

The short-term goals of Huia Kaimanawa include developing critical and strategic Mahere Rautaki leadership plans for kaiuru.  Building well-coordinated regional and national networks of Māori leaders is a priority to deepen understanding of the kaupapa and formulate supportive and action-oriented strategies. The long-term goals of Huia Kaimanawa are focused on resisting colonial oppression and enabling Māori self-determination and revitalisation, as well as increasing the Rangatiratanga sphere of influence through constitutional transformation. 

Huia Kaimanawa kaikōkiri work with kaiuru (Māori leaders) across Aotearoa to support them in developing Mahere Rautaki - strategic leadership plans.  These plans centre the visions and aspirations of iwi and hapū. Kaiuru are also supported to authentically connect with hapū and iwi, and through these relationships, their identity as Māori leaders is strengthened. Huia Kaimanawa is developed by Māori, for Māori and with Māori.  The kaupapa is also informed by ongoing analysis of qualitative and quantitative evidence, in collaboration with hapū and iwi leaders, rangatahi Māori, members of Ngā Tamatoa, and Māori academics.

For more insight into our kaupapa, we encourage you to visit our Instagram and Facebook pages.

To view our annual report please click here.

Interested in joining our Kaikōkiri? We are expanding the whānau. Please click here for the panui. Check out our facebook post here.

Strategic Relations

Te Akatea

New Zealand Māori

Principals’ Association

Contact: Bruce Jepsen
Box 11423
Palm Beach

© 2022 Te Akatea New Zealand Māori Principals’ Association